I just saw the Obama Celebrity video that will mark an “unprecedented address to all public school students” on September 8.”  The text from the presumptions video is included below – unfortunately the actors and actresses who made these pledges are not indicated – I’m VERY proud to say that I don’t recognize many of them, and the ones I do recognize I’d struggle to remember their names.  Actually, I encourage everyone to NOT CARE and DON’T figure out who they are.  Politics are corrupt enough – the last thing we need to do is give them the power of the ‘popularity contest’ that modern entertainment (celebrity) is.  The best thing we can do is never learn another celebrity’s name again.  Let’s try to learn the names of honest politicians, sincere medical doctors, and hard working patriots.

Alas, here is the text (with my comments interjected)

I pledge to help end hunger in America by supporting feeding America, and our local food bank.
(feeding the hungry is always good – but I would not trust government food bank food)

I pledge to smile more.  To laugh more.  To love more.
(naturally all of this is fine)

I pledge to volunteer more of my time to help children battle serious illnesses
(so far all well and good… perhaps they are drawing us in for some shocking statements at the end?  Getting us to trust what they are saying?)

…with the art of (????)
(I don’t know what he is saying)

I pledge to be a great mother – to be a great father
(well and good)

to continue working with (?????) to make this world a better place for all of our children

to be the voice for those that have no voice.

I pledge to consider myself an American, not an African American.

To always represent my country with pride, dignity, and honesty.
(as long as my party is in power.  As soon as someone is in that I don’t agree with, I’ll be the least supportive person in the universe)

I pledge to go to USA service dot org

and find a service project that I am passionate about.
(…or you can serve your community VIA other organizations)

I pledge allegiance to the funk to the united funk of funkadelika.
(Clearly Hollywood is known for it’s drug usage – you’d think this guy would have at least waited for the shoot to be over)

to never give anyone the finger when driving again
(…on small step, eh pops?)

to always find the humor in everything
(so far, almost all good things… not creepy yet… just obnoxious that Obama is pimping out celebrities.  What’s really depressing about that is that it will probably work.  People don’t think much for themselves anymore…)

to help find a cure for Alzheimer
(well, getting the mercury out of the vaccines would be a good start – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rE8kmifM6HU)

to care for America’s elderly
(apparently by killing them…? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd44XFG9GIAhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-y6LRC82bs)

to make sure seniors have access to health care
(and by health care, we mean assisted suicide – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEK_GH7sgcc)

so that our next generations memories will not be forgotten
(seriously, we’ve all forgotten our history (why we fought the revolution) already – what’s the difference?)

to bring awareness to mental disease
(that statement is almost oxy-moronic)

do advance stem cell research
(we don’t care much what the oposition says – in our mind there is really only one side to every argument)

spread the awareness of autism

To show more love to strangers, to greet my neighbors, find out their names, going to give them a smile
(all of this is good stuff)

(Tatyana Ali) and ask them how I can be of service to them
(this is good too – Tatyana is so sweet – honestly I do like her)

to be a better mentor to my younger sisters, to continue to be a mentor to big brothers and big sisters.
(Is it sad that people need to be told to do this?  Lots of this stuff really should be automatic…)

to reduce my use of plastic by starting with using less bottled water
(that’s right peasants, just drink the fluoridated (poison) municipal water instead.  We can’t poison you if you drink the bottled water – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2m_LVHD0c8)

to plant 500 trees this year to help our planet
(I’m seriously going to hold her to that.  I’ll be writing a letter at the end of the year to see how it went.  I’ll want pictures – and she’d better do it personally.  No fair paying someone else)

to be more green
(fine but it better not include more TAXES)

to no longer use the plastic bag at the grocery store
(whatever floats your boat – I seriously don’t care how celebrities get their groceries to their car.  I can think of a million things I care about more)

to consume less and cultivate more
(somehow I think this will be an empty promise)

so that we are on this planet forever
(hey, isn’t it her boyfriend who does not even know the order of the planets but is a leader in the ‘climate change’ movement? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQLOnQZGLaw)

for the environment I promise to flush only after deuce, never after a single
(I miss funny comedians)

I pledge to turn the lights off because I use to leave the lights on but we want to conserve energy so I’m going to turn the lights off… you turn the lights off.
(something tells me… the lights… at least upstairs… were never on.)

To sell my obnoxious car and buy a hybrid
(unfortunately the battery on a hybrid is worse for the environment than gas… – http://onemansblog.com/2007/03/27/prius-outdoes-hummer-in-environmental-damage/)

to drive slower and not use as much gas
(as long as I’m not behind you)

to volunteer my time to express the importance of arts education in our schools
(because the last thing we want to focus on is history, science… you know… subjects that might actually advance society.  Let me also say that I do love art… but come on – highlight it over actual classes?)

to sell a culture of intelligence instead of ignorance.
(Good luck.  Public education has made us all complete idiots – http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0923110.html)

To help children understand that just because they come from a small place doesn’t mean they can’t dream big.
(well isn’t that a nice thing to say)

To work to make good to end the 200 year old promise to end slavery
(is he talking about income tax?)

the abolition of 21st century slavery
(they must be talking about income tax – I wish)

to free 1 million people from slavery in the next five years
(You could free more than 100 million if you abolish income tax…)

to fight, to become aware, to educate, to not give up, to defend, issues that I care about
(as long as they support Government.  Nobody that wants to be free can speak)

I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama
(Eek… that’s sort of creepy.  How about service to the United States of America?  Obama is supposed to work for us… not vice versa…)

to change how I live, to be a better person, to never stop learning and growing each and every day.
(that’s right, soften the blow from the last really creepy thing that was said)

to commit to my own change before I ask others to change
(Gandhi anyone?)

to be the change
(they really should give Gandhi credit for… his quotes)

to integrate into my heart what I already know in my head which is that we’re all in this together
(that was a really strange way to say that.  How about your stomach… how’s it feeling?)

imagine what could happen next.
(I don’t know… eugenics?)

What’s your pledge? (annoying variations of that)
(mine is to fight for my Country to be Free again… like it was when it started… you know… the opposite of how it is now)

I pledge to be a servant to our president.
(…um…. Fascism?  You don’t want to listen to congress… senate… or the American People?  Just the President… got it.  ::cough::fascism::cough)

And all mankind because together we can, together we are, together we will be the change that we see.
(all thanks to our savior, BHO)

Let the propaganda begin!

Video here – http://fullmetalpatriot.blogspot.com/2009/09/parents-upset-over-leftist-propaganda.html